University of Toledo in Darkness for 90 Seconds 

During this assignment we were tasked with writing a press release as well as making a social media card for The University of Toledo’s Solar Eclipse Watch Event. This assignment is extremely helpful as most of us are looking to go into marketing and/or communications fields where this will be something extremely important to us.

The chapter reading we did to prepare as well as the assignment itself gave us a deeper understanding of what purpose press releases hold and how to effectively execute them in a functional way. Below you will see the organizer we originally planned out the press release with as well as the press release that was made up.

Contact: Emma Moore

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                               555-555-5555

March 14, 2024                                                         

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University of Toledo in Darkness for a Minute and a Half 

Toledo employees are working to gain students’ interest in this once in a lifetime event, to experience totality in Toledo

Toledo, Ohio – The University of Toledo is excited to bring an educational and fun watching experience for the first total solar eclipse to come to Toledo since 1806. Visit the university on April 8 between noon and 4:30 p.m to encounter this event including music, food trucks, and educational information. Toledo employees have also invited a narrator to lead visitors through the eclipse, in Glass Bowl Stadium to further enhance the event. 

“There are approximately 9,000 glasses that will be available first come first served in Centennial and Glass Bowl Stadium” University Media Relations Specialist Nikki Gorney shared as she stressed the importance the protective glasses hold. “Before that and after that [totality] even if only a sliver of the sun is showing it is extremely dangerous to look at the sun so you can only take your glasses off during totality.” 

This event will be open to the entire public in and outside of the Toledo area. Parking the day of the 8th will be free on campus and parking passes will not be enforced, with the exception of metered and marked areas. There will also be parking provided across from Toledo’s campus, in the Toledo Early Learning College parking lot.  

The eclipse is believed to start around 2 pm and end around 4 pm however totality is expected to last for a minute and a half at 3:15. With that, classes are said to remain as regularly scheduled for students at the University of Toledo. Although professors have been encouraged to not make classes mandatory in the interest of the large population of commuters on campus. 

The narrated events as well as the main watching event will be confined to Glass Bowl Stadium, but other events held will take place primarily in Centennial Mall, by University Hall and the Student Union. These events will include things like inflatables, student demonstrations, and appearances from UT organizations like the student radio station WXUT. 

The street lights around the community are said to not be operational during the event and with that it is important for people to remain aware and cautions. There are currently no plans for the watching to be moved inside even if the weather is poor. There are said to be tents present if this occurs, as the weather will not stop the eclipse from happening but simply make its presentation less dramatic for viewers.  

The University of Toledo constantly looks for ways to help educate the students and surrounding citizens of Toledo. By holding this event they are hoping to share this once in a lifetime event in a safe and educational way. The Toledo area will not be in the path of totality again until 2099 making this even more important to share with the community. Holding events like this allows the university to continue to educate and engage with the community regarding these kinds of  natural events. 


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